Thursday, June 3, 2010


What does it mean? Well, without referring to a dictionary, I'll try and explain it off the top of my head. Something is said to be symmetric when both sides are equal. Therefore, Asymmetric means the opposite, where both sides are not. A persons face for example is (often) symmetric. If the hair is brushed to the side for example, then the face is no longer symmetrical. It is said to be asymmetric. Enough with the explanation.

Now that's a word I am fond of. Quite a useful word to use when describing toy robots, as the terms are useful for describing the symmetry of the toy's appearance. However it is a word that I am constantly forgetting whenever I get to an appropriate point that it can be used.

The brain is a funny thing. You will often know something, and be very confident in your knowledge of this subject. But, at the critical moment, perhaps due to some brain activity that's related to stress, the pathways that lead to all this information seize up or get blocked. Thus you are at a loss to remember what it is at the critical moment. Later on, when the information is not particularly relevant at the time, it may come flooding back in great detail.

This is why I often did very badly during school exams. It's this pressure introduced by the time limitations (and lack of access to reference materials) that often made me forget something that I otherwise knew very well. If it was an easy question that I could do in my sleep, that was fine. But if it was something I wasn't too certain on, but knew the answer, then the numbness of the mind occurs.

Stage fright is also caused by this. Only that has the added stress of having you feeling nervous while being observed by many. The worry that you will fail, the prejudging, etc. All the little stresses don't just stack up, they come in an tidalwave, as you're being observed by many. If you don't go on stage often, your confidence can quickly get shattered and start doing mistakes.

But again, the mind is a funny thing. It might recall snippets of a song at sudden moments and you get a part of the song playing in your head all day long. a terrible thing to happen if it's a song you don't like. Me? I don't particularly mind it when I recall the Badger chants. (Badger, badger, badger..etc)

Oh hang on, what was this about? Oh yes, the word Asymmetric. And Symmetric. They're fun. Look them up some time and find an excuse to insert them into your everyday conversation!

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